La Perla After Maria

Documentary Short - TRT 22 min


It all started when Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico…

Maria was the most damaging hurricane to hit Puerto Rico in almost 100 years. The storm hit the island early on Wednesday September 20th, 2017; leaving everyone without electric power, water, and communication for weeks.

Three months later, people from La Perla remember the worst event of their lives, and recall finding the courage to go on, led by a newfound community bond. La Perla is the historical, famous/infamous small “barrio” outside the walls of Old San Juan.

This film is a reflection on the tenderness of life, and the healing power of collective unity and kindness in the face of tragedy. A visual poem dedicated to the people of La Perla and the archipelago of Puerto Rico.

Watch the film below

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The idea of a documentary about Hurricane Maria came from observing first hand the unstoppable resilience of the people of the island and the beauty of nature in Puerto Rico.

I was inspired by the grace with which my Puerto Rican neighbors handled the aftermath of the storm.

Throughout Puerto Rico, the green leaves on the trees were sprouting back a month after the storm made this green spot of the world look brown, battered, and burned. I wanted to document the recovery of the vegetation and draw a parallel on the spirit of Puerto Ricans. Puerto Ricans are happy people. After going through so much, it seemed they had recovered from the painful event without too much resentment.

I felt it was important to find a way to capture the spirit of this moment. Especially after the dramatic news coverage and subsequent conflict between government officials from the United States played in screens all over the world.

When I started to talk to the neighbors of La Perla, one of the most infamous neighborhoods in all of Puerto Rico, the project became something a bit more personal, powerful. It was particularly revealing to hear their first-hand account about Hurricane Maria, and discover the story beyond the news, and beyond stereotypes.

I hope you get to be as inspired as I was, when you watch the film. Please feel free to write about your thoughts on social media, and use the hashtag #LaPerlaAfterMaria.

Thank you very much! ¡Muchas gracias!
