Hey fellow Netflix binge watcher! If you enjoy faith-based films, there has been much chatter that Netflix is pulling Christian films off their streaming service. Let me clear things up; this rumor has been around for quite a while; let's put this myth to bed once and for all; just settle back with some popcorn, relax and let's dive in to what really goes on here.

What Sparked the Rumor?

Years ago, a satirical article claimed Netflix would remove all Christian content after receiving complaints from Muslims. This article was meant to be a joke but, like many things on the internet, it was taken seriously. It didn't take long for social media to catch fire with this misinformation, causing a lot of unnecessary panic.

Netflix’s Official Response

Netflix had to step in and set the record straight. They told USA Today and other media outlets that they had no plans to remove Christian movies from their platform. So, rest easy knowing your favorite faith-based films aren't going anywhere.

Understanding Netflix’s Content Strategy

Netflix's library is like a revolving door – content comes in, and content goes out. This isn't about targeting specific genres but about keeping the library fresh and exciting. They cater to a global audience with a wide range of tastes, including those who enjoy Christian movies.

The Role of Licensing Agreements

A big part of why movies leave Netflix has to do with licensing agreements. These agreements decide how long a movie stays on the platform. When a license expires, Netflix has to remove the content unless they renew the agreement. This affects all kinds of movies, not just Christian ones.

Viewer Metrics and Content Decisions

Netflix also looks at viewer metrics to decide what stays and what goes. If a movie isn’t getting enough views, it might be time for it to leave. This is all part of their strategy to make room for new content that their audience will love.

Myth-Busting: Is Netflix Anti-Christian?

Let’s bust this myth once and for all: Netflix is not anti-Christian. They have a section dedicated to Faith & Spirituality that includes a variety of Christian movies and documentaries. Popular titles like "The Shack" and "The Case for Christ" are still available, and new ones are added regularly.

Examples of Christian Content on Netflix

Netflix offers plenty of Christian content. Movies like "God’s Not Dead" and "I Can Only Imagine" explore themes of faith and redemption. These films are a testament to Netflix's commitment to providing diverse content for all its viewers.

Alternatives to Netflix for Christian Movies

If you’re looking for even more faith-based content, there are other streaming services out there. Pure Flix, Dove Channel, and Crossflix are great alternatives. They focus on Christian movies and series, offering extensive libraries of faith-based content.

Top Streaming Services for Christian Movies

  • Pure Flix: Known for its vast library of Christian movies and series. It’s a go-to for faith-based content.

  • Dove Channel: Offers a range of family-friendly and faith-based films. It’s a safe bet for wholesome viewing.

  • Crossflix: Provides a selection of Christian movies and documentaries. Perfect for viewers seeking inspirational content.

How to Stay Updated on Netflix’s Content

Want to keep track of what’s new and what’s leaving Netflix? Follow Netflix’s social media channels, subscribe to their newsletters, and check out websites like What’s on Netflix. This way, you’ll always be in the loop.

Downloading Christian Movies for Offline Viewing

Love a movie on Netflix and want to watch it anytime, anywhere? Download it for offline viewing. Look for the download icon next to the movie or show, and you’re all set!

Supporting Faith-Based Films

Supporting Christian filmmakers is crucial. Watch their movies, share them with friends, leave positive reviews, and engage with them on social media. Your support helps ensure that more faith-based content gets made.

The Future of Christian Movies on Netflix

The future looks bright for Christian movies on Netflix. With a growing interest in diverse content, Netflix is likely to keep adding faith-based films to their library. So, you can look forward to even more great movies to enjoy.


To wrap things up, the rumor that Netflix is removing Christian movies is just that – a rumor. Netflix continues to offer a variety of faith-based films, and there are no signs of that changing. By understanding how content availability works, you can enjoy your favorite movies without any worries.


Why did the rumor about Netflix removing Christian movies start?
The rumor started with a satirical article in 2016 that falsely claimed Netflix would remove all Christian content due to complaints. It spread widely on social media, causing confusion.

How can I find Christian movies on Netflix?
You can find Christian movies by searching specific titles or browsing the Faith & Spirituality section. Websites like What’s on Netflix can also help you discover available content.

What are some good alternatives to Netflix for Christian content?
Great alternatives include Pure Flix, Dove Channel, and Crossflix, all of which offer extensive libraries of faith-based films and series.

Can I download Christian movies from Netflix?
Yes, you can download select titles for offline viewing. Look for the download icon next to the movie or show you want to save.

How can I support Christian filmmakers?
Watch their movies, share them with others, leave positive reviews, and engage with them on social media. Subscribing to platforms that prioritize faith-based content also helps.
